On the Issues


An Economy That Works for All of Us ⌄

Minnesota is subject to the economic winds that blow throughout the country but we don’t have to accept whatever gets blown our way. Minnesota’s policy choices impact whether Minnesota does better than the national economy or lags behind. Minnesota can build an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and well connected.

We can foster opportunity for Minnesotans who want to get ahead and will work hard to do it. We can continue to attract and retain talented workers who will build our future economy. We have the ingredients. What we need is the will.

Minnesotans of all ages, in every part of the state, are struggling to get by in this economy. Though Minnesota’s unemployment rate is at an historic low, and employers in every sector can’t find enough people to work, too many people are still struggling to find a job that supports a decent standard of living. Too many Minnesota kids are growing up in poverty–even extreme poverty–which puts their entire futures at risk. Too many people do not have food, health care, a safe and stable place to live, and other things we all count on to be productive. And too many parents can’t help their families get ahead because child care is unaffordable.

We have problems, but we also have the resources to address them. Minnesota is fortunate to have a large budget surplus that could have been used to help Minnesotans get ahead. Instead, Minnesota’s Republican State Senators decided to walk away from any agreement to spend the money where it is needed.

Now more than ever, we must invest in our people so they can participate in our economy and keep Minnesota strong for all of us.

Health Care for All

Everyone deserves health care. Minnesotans should not have to worry about getting the health care they need—yet this is the reality for too many. For some, the cost of insurance is too high. For those who have private insurance, the out of pocket costs may be more than they can afford. For those who qualify for public programs, getting care can still be a challenge. We can improve the lives of every Minnesotan and our entire economy by moving to a system of universal, single-payer health care. Such a system would eliminate the “middleman” between people and the health care they need.

In Minnesota, as in the rest of America, we have a complex, fractured health care system that wastes about a third of every health care dollar to figure out who should get care, how much, and at what price. Minnesota can lead the nation in moving toward a system where people can choose who provides their health care but don’t have to choose, or deal with, or pay insurance companies. Whether we call this “single payer,” "Universal Health Care," or something else, we must remove the barriers between Minnesotans and the health care they need.

We can start by getting insurance companies out of our public programs. Minnesota contracts with insurance companies to cover over 1.1 million Minnesotans on our public health care programs, Medicaid and MinnesotaCare. These companies then contract with doctors, hospitals, and others to provide care. This means that low-income Minnesotans covered by public health care must choose and deal with insurance companies, while health care providers must deal with multiple insurance companies for patients who are all covered by the same public program.

It is time to cut out the middlemen. Our state can take back control and improve our public programs by contracting directly with healthcare providers on behalf of patients. This would cost less and could deliver better care. The only thing stopping us is the power that these big insurers have over Minnesota’s government.

We can also allow Minnesotans to buy health insurance through the public MinnesotaCare program. MinnesotaCare has been offered in Minnesota for over two decades for low-income working people who could not otherwise afford insurance.

I believe that healthcare is—or should be—a human right. Making high quality healthcare accessible and affordable to all would be an enormous boost for Minnesota’s economy, because healthy people are more productive, and no one would be stuck in the wrong job just for health insurance. We can create a Minnesota health care system that is high quality, affordable and easy to access FOR ALL if we have the political will to do it.

A Fair Tax System ⌄

Minnesotans are willing to pay taxes, so long as our taxes are fair and our money is used well. In a fair tax system, those who earn more pay a larger percentage of their income. Minnesotans who are doing well must pay their fair share of taxes so Minnesota can create services and conditions that give everyone opportunities to succeed.

In 2022, Minnesota has a large projected budget surplus because of a quicker-than-expected recovery from the pandemic. These additional funds come from higher corporate profits (more taxes paid), higher sales tax revenues (more purchases), and more income taxes (more people employed at higher wages). At the same time, our state has many ways these resources to make a difference, such as: to support quality, affordable child care so families can get ahead; to better support our public schools; to build our public health system to be ready for the next public health challenge; pay better wages to the dedicated caregivers of elderly and disabled Minnesotans; and to reduce state and local taxes for Minnesotans who are struggling to get by. These investments would boost our economy and ultimately help all Minnesotans.

But we should NOT give permanent tax cuts to the wealthy, who do not need the help.

A Minimum Wage That’s a Living Wage

People who work full time should be able to meet their family’s basic needs, but many can not. When employers pay wages that are too low for their employees to live on, taxpayers must fill the gap with food support, housing support, health insurance support, and support for other needs. This subsidizes employers and undermines the dignity of the worker.

I’m proud to have voted to raise Minnesota’s minimum wage and to have it apply to tipped employees, but we must continue to raise the minimum wage until all full-time work in Minnesota pays a living wage. In much of the state, a typical family of three (two parents, each working 40 hours per week) must earn over $19 per hour to provide for the bare necessities of life.

Every worker in Minnesota should have access to earned sick time and paid family leave. These benefits help everyone by reducing the transmission of diseases. No one should be forced to work when sick, or be forced to choose between caring for family and keeping a job. So let’s allow everyone the dignity and security to get better at home or have the time to get or give needed care, then return to work healthy and productive.

Unions created the middle class by organizing for better wages and working conditions, but union membership has eroded. I support and defend the right to organize and bargain collectively, because this is one of the best tools we have to raise work standards and give Minnesotans a chance at a better future.

High Quality Child Care

Every Minnesota child deserves the best possible start in life, which often includes high quality child care. Parents can’t focus on work or school unless they know their children are in a safe and supportive place, but high quality child care is in short supply and, even where available, too often unaffordable.

We must support many models of child care—from home day care to Head Start—so families have convenient and high quality options. Minnesota has a Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to help more working parents afford the cost, but it is underfunded and leaves many struggling families without help. Building an excellent, affordable system of day care and support for our youngest kids is one of the most important things Minnesota can do for our future.

Fully Fund Public Education

Minnesota’s students are being shortchanged by public school funding that has not kept up with inflation. As state support has fallen, school districts must try to get more of their funding from local property taxes. This means that schools in communities without a big tax base don’t have enough resources for their students. Fully and appropriately funding our public education system at the state level will help all students succeed, no matter where they come from or what they look like. We also need to have enough school counselors, mental health professionals, and other support to help students make education and career decisions that are based on their interests and talents, to support those with mental health challenges, and remove barriers that keep students from achieving their dreams.

Minnesota’s Constitution says: “The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it is the duty of the legislature to establish a general and uniform system of public schools. The legislature shall make such provisions by taxation or otherwise as will secure a thorough and efficient system of public schools throughout the state.” Minnesota must live up to this promise.

Extending Public Education for the 21st Century: No-Cost College Credits and Relief for Student Debt

In the 21st century, careers that can sustain a family require education beyond high school. Though we spend millions helping students get free college credits through the Post-Secondary Education Options program, most students don’t use the program. All Minnesota students deserve the opportunity to go to college or get career skills, not just the fortunate few. Making the first two years of post-high school education at a public college, technical college, or university TUITION-FREE to Minnesota students would take pressure off struggling families while ensuring our workforce is well trained for the needs of the economy.

Many students are already buried in debt, which is holding back our entire economy. I support loan forgiveness programs for graduates who work in geographic areas or professions (such as health care or teaching) where there are shortages.

A Government That Works for All of Us

Too often, Minnesotans do not see government working for us. We work more jobs and longer hours just to stay afloat and worry what the future will be for us and our families. We see large corporations and other special interests speaking loudly to and being heard by our government, while our concerns are too often ignored. We need a government that works for all of us, not just the rich and powerful.

We will not restore trust in government until we get the big money out of politics so politicians respond to voters, not dollars.

While Minnesota provides some public financing for state campaigns that agree to restrict campaign spending and state law restricts how much an individual can donate to a campaign, these programs are underfunded and constantly under attack. Even with this financing, special interests overwhelm candidates’ campaigns through “independent expenditure” groups, whose backers are often not disclosed.

The US Supreme Court opened the floodgates of special interest money with the Citizens United opinion and Minnesota cannot overrule it. However, we can insist on knowing who is behind the big spending and work on other ways to make sure that the voice of the voter—not the big donor—is the one that’s heard.

High Ethical Standards and Transparency ⌄

Public service should be just that: service. We must require high ethical standards and transparency from all who serve the public.

Our laws permit public officials to take trips—junkets—that are paid for by foundations or other organizations (though not those paid by lobbyists or an organization sponsoring a lobbyist). These organizations have included ALEC, which helps large corporations meet with legislators (almost all Republicans) and write corporate-friendly legislation for the legislators to introduce in their states. Not all sponsored trips are inappropriate, but legislators who take such trips should be required to disclose these benefits to the public.

Minnesota has strong laws that bar legislators from accepting gifts from lobbyists. However, legislators and high-level staff could get a deferred gift in the form of a lobbying job right after leaving the legislature. That’s why Minnesota law should require a waiting period before a legislator or high-level staff can lobby or work for entities they regulate, oversee, or fund.

Diversity and Justice ⌄

Our diversity is our strength, but Minnesota’s gaps in health, wealth, and opportunity are holding us back. Black Minnesotans, native people, and other minorities have faced barriers that hold them back from generation to generation, often without acknowledgement that this has happened.

The well-publicized police killings of African Americans and the killings of police officers have torn the bandage off an old and festering wound. We must create a culture and system that allows for fair and just treatment of all Minnesotans. Law enforcement officers must always be held to high and clear standards and be accountable to the public.

We need a new standard for the use of force by law enforcement officials—as exists in other countries. Officers should be expected to control a situation without using deadly force except as a last resort. This means staying out of harm’s way themselves unless there is an immediate threat to life.

Our civil forfeiture laws have been improved in recent years but still need reform. Police departments and prosecutors should never get to keep the proceeds from forfeiture, as they do now. This improper incentive only serves to erode trust in law enforcement.

Peaceful civil disobedience has often been the catalyst that moves society toward justice. We do not need additional penalties or threats to those who step forward to make change. The right to protest—and sometimes even to get arrested for it—strengthens our democracy.

Protect Our Environment ⌄

Minnesota cannot let corporate greed steal our children’s inheritance. Before we allow corporations to exploit our natural resources, we must make sure the environment is protected and that sufficient financial guarantees are in place to pay for any cleanup. After the fact, we must hold them accountable for any harm they caused. Too often, polluters make their money and leave the cleanup to the taxpayer.

We Minnesotans love our natural resources and will have to stay vigilant to make sure we keep them.

Climate change has advanced rapidly in recent years, but the federal response has just been kneecapped by Republican-appointed justices on the US Supreme Court. Reducing greenhouse gasses to reduce climate change must be an even more urgent priority at the state level. Our children deserve to grow up in a healthy environment, whether they live in the city, the country, or somewhere in between. Clean water, clean food, and clean air should be their birthright.

Free Speech and Right to Privacy ⌄

We must protect the freedom of every Minnesotan to speak their mind, maintain their privacy, and make their own important decisions. Government should not infringe on personal decisions such as who to love and marry, whether and where to worship, which bathroom to use, and how and when to reproduce. I fully support the right to choose abortion. Minnesotans deserve a full range of respectful, supportive health care services that help avoid unintended pregnancies and support healthy and wanted pregnancies and healthy births.

End Prohibition of Cannabis ⌄

The war on drugs has failed—costing Minnesota taxpayers too much and destroying too many lives. It is time to remove the prohibition on personal use of cannabis and treat addiction as an illness, not a crime.

Alcohol is harmful to many, causing untold damage to lives and property every year. Yet alcohol is legal, because our nation learned the hard way that prohibition only makes the problems worse. It is time to apply that lesson to cannabis. Cannabis is much safer than alcohol. While it is not harmless for everyone, prohibition of cannabis has not worked and causes far more harm than the drug itself. Minnesotans spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year on illegal cannabis, which they buy without really knowing what they are getting. Cannabis prohibition also contributes to racial disparities in our state because Black Minnesotans use cannabis about as much as Whites but are arrested for it about 8 times as often. Without prohibition we could do a better job keeping cannabis away from children and educating our population on how to use it responsibly.

Minnesota has fewer felons in prison than most other states, adjusted for population. Still, too many inmates have substance abuse disorder or other mental health issues that would be better treated in another setting. Treatment courts are a step in the right direction, and we must encourage and fund these initiatives. We also need to make sure that people who have been through the justice system can find a path back to a productive life. Lack of housing, lack of needed treatment, and lack of employment are barriers to reentry that must be addressed. Another barrier to reentry is loss of voting rights. People who serve time in jail or prison should have their voting rights restored when they get out—and not have to wait until they are finished with probation or parole.

Reduce Gun Violence ⌄

Our country suffers from an epidemic of gun violence. Recent mass shootings in Uvalde, Buffalo, and so many other places have horrified the nation. Before August, 2022 has already seen more than 330 mass shootings in the US. These horrifying events have happened in movie theaters, malls, at concerts, and–worst of all–in classrooms. But let’s not forget that most gun violence still occurs when a person turns a gun against themself.

The common denominator to all of the gun violence is easy access to guns, especially guns with such lethality that no civilian should have them.

I support expanded background checks for ALL gun transfers, a “red-flag” law to temporarily remove a person’s access to guns when a court deems it appropriate, and a ban on weapons of war and large magazines. When even trained law enforcement officers are outgunned by the mass killers it is time to say “enough.”

Responsible gun owners should be able to own a gun for self-defense or for hunting. They do not need weapons of war.

In my view, the Supreme Court is wrong in its interpretation of the Second Amendment. There is no individual right to bear arms in the US Constitution. The founders wrote the Constitution to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,...” It is inconceivable that the founders intended for every individual to “keep and bear” any weapon they want.